

Angie Yu

Angie was diagnosed with bipolar disorder at age 30. Afflicted with toxic cultural norms, death, and grief at a young age, she attempted to take her own life at the age of 10. Her goal is the same as her co-host Kristy: to better ourselves and break the cycle of pain and suffering in our communities because suppression leads to suffering.

Born in Jiangsu, China, and spent her formative years in East Vancouver, Canada.

Favourite things in life: rays of sun filtered through summer leaves, the smell of rain, dogs, non-fiction, cheesy action movies, the peaceful countryside of China

Biggest fear: Not death itself, but a meaningless life led

Challenges: Bipolar Disorder, Anxiety, Procrastination 

Want to be remembered for: Being courageous

Kristy Yee

Kristy was diagnosed with depression and anxiety at 12 years old and was once institutionalized in the psych ward of a hospital. She rejected the need for mental health support until she was 27 when she completely burned herself out from her job and had thoughts about suicide. Today, she advocates for the destigmatization of mental illness and the importance of mental well-being.

Born & raised in East Vancouver, Canada. 
Ancestry: Hoy Ping + Toi Shan, Canton, China.

Favourite things in life: blue skies, carbonated bevies, cats, fresh Thai chilis, dystopian novels, coming-of-age movies, harry potter, solo traveling, and the sound of onions and garlic sizzling.

Biggest fear: Alzheimer's disease/dementia 

Challenges: Generalized Anxiety, Depression, Imposter Syndrome

Want to be remembered for: Living my own life